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Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Why Us?

Our client average Email Marketing stats are:

Open Rate: 18%

  • *’s avg ecommerce open rate: 14.98%

Clickthrough Rate: 19%

  • *’s avg ecommerce click through rate: 3.36%

Average Bounce Rate: 3%

  • *’s hard+soft bounce rate is 1.62%, so we are a little higher than that, likely due to clients w/ lower quality lists

Average Conversion Rate: 4%

  • **’s avg ecommerce conversion rate: 3%


*Data from

**Data from

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(PRO403) Autoresponder Kick Start Package

(PRO403) Autoresponder Kick Start Package

Let us set up your first Autoresponder Campaign, or use us to expand
Only $99 One Time Fee and the Autoresponders work for your business forever.
(PRO493) NS EMail Setup

(PRO493) NS EMail Setup

One-time fee: $99
Term Length: One-time
This is a do it for me service to assist NS Commerce/Monster customers in setting up the new Email Marketing Feature

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