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Platforms Supported:
Cactus Connect/AutoResponder
  • Long Description
  • Service Description
  • What's Included
  • Client FAQs
  • Sales Questions
  • Requirements
  • Objection Handling
Client must be either a Cactus Connect or Solid Cactus eCommerce (SCeC) customer for this service, whereby Solid Cactus will create an AutoResponder campaign within either the Cactus Connect or SCeC AutoResponder for Client. Client shall identify the criteria under which a subscriber is to be added to a campaign and Solid Cactus will set up the campaign with the associated logic. Unless otherwise stated herein, Solid Cactus will create two emails for this campaign and set up the time frame under which the related emails are to be sent based on when the subscriber is added to the campaign. Client is responsible to provide all of the contents of these emails, such as all artwork, logos, text, product images, etc., whereby such contents must be provided in HTML format unless a Solid Cactus Fully Branded Email Template has been purchased by Client.