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1ShoppingCart Services

1ShoppingCart Services

MTS Services for 1ShoppingCart (and Private Label) store and button cart clients only.

How to tell which services are fulfilled by MyTimeSupport

All MyTimeSupport services start with "MTS -", so you can tell them apart from the services that our Store Development (Store Dev) fulfills.

Have a question? Just ask!

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MTS 1SC NETSOL Ecom- Custom Quote

MTS 1SC NETSOL Ecom- Custom Quote

Custom Cost MTS SKU. Used for Contact/Product/Category Management and services that require custom quotes.
MTS DIY eCom - 1SC Only Custom Buyer Agreement

MTS DIY eCom - 1SC Only Custom Buyer Agreement

Fulfilled by MTS Team - Create a customized buyer agreement for the online store
MTS DIY eCom - Consultation (PRO255)

MTS DIY eCom - Consultation (PRO255)

Cost includes time based consultation to cover ecommerce related topics. Topic of consult must be approved prior to consult sale examples include Design Questions Troubleshooting Recommendations etc.
MTS DIY eCom -- Logo/Static Banner Installation

MTS DIY eCom -- Logo/Static Banner Installation

MyTimeSupport will install a single logo OR static banner image on the customer's online store at a location of their choice. Service does not include graphic design labor outside of basic resizing only.
MTS DIY eCom - (PRO257) Ecom 101 (General Training) - 60 minutes

MTS DIY eCom - (PRO257) Ecom 101 (General Training) - 60 minutes

A MyTimeSupport expert will provide a 60 minute training session regarding general administrative and setup functions for their online store. Conference calls are acceptable at no extra cost
(PRO493) NS EMail Setup

(PRO493) NS EMail Setup

One-time fee: $99
Term Length: One-time
This is a do it for me service to assist NS Commerce/Monster customers in setting up the new Email Marketing Feature

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