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PLATFORMS + 1ShoppingCart PROJECT SCOPE The Cascading Menu feature includes the installation of a single navigation, located in the top of the site (site header) or in the left column/sidebar. The navigation will consist of a top level list of links, with optional sub-sections below each link. If a top-level link has a sub-section, that section will be revealed based on user interaction (touch or hover), which varies based on the type of device used to view the page. The content of this navigation is made up of a list of links only (doesn’t include custom HTML, such as images or other text). If the site the feature is installed on includes a function to dynamically generate menu links, the applicable function may be used to dynamically generate the navigation’s content. If such a method of dynamic population does not exist, the menu will be hard coded. ------------------------------------- # ADDED NOTES # SALES 1. Standard 10% Sales discount applies. CAVEAT 1. Users must have JavaScript turned on in their browser(s) 2. This product works well with a limited amount of links per category. 3 - 10 Links per menu is recommended as more than 10 may result in usability concerns, If there are too many sub-categories for a category the can go off the page.
PROJECT SCOPE The Cascading Menu feature includes the installation of a single navigation, located in the top of the site (site header) or in the left column/sidebar. The navigation will consist of a top level list of links, with optional sub-sections below each link. If a top-level link has a sub-section, that section will be revealed based on user interaction (touch or hover), which varies based on the type of device used to view the page. The content of this navigation is made up of a list of links only (doesn’t include custom HTML, such as images or other text). If the site the feature is installed on includes a function to dynamically generate menu links, the applicable function may be used to dynamically generate the navigation’s content. If such a method of dynamic population does not exist, the menu will be hard coded.
PROJECT SCOPE The Cascading Menu feature includes the installation of a single navigation, located in the top of the site (site header) or in the left column/sidebar. The navigation will consist of a top level list of links, with optional sub-sections below each link. If a top-level link has a sub-section, that section will be revealed based on user interaction (touch or hover), which varies based on the type of device used to view the page. The content of this navigation is made up of a list of links only (doesn’t include custom HTML, such as images or other text). If the site the feature is installed on includes a function to dynamically generate menu links, the applicable function may be used to dynamically generate the navigation’s content. If such a method of dynamic population does not exist, the menu will be hard coded.