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Platforms Supported:
Network Solutions

  • Service Description
  • What's Included
  • Client FAQs
  • Sales Questions
  • Requirements
  • Objection Handling
  • Billing Details
  • Sales/Marketing Notes
MyTimeSupport will provide copies of all exportable database fields the header/footer/home page HTML and the contents of the file manager to the merchant. Files will be securely delivered via email or uploaded to the client's file manager. NOTE: WE CANNOT EXPORT PRODUCT PERSONALIZATIONS.
MyTimeSupport will provide copies of all exportable database fields the header/footer/home page HTML and the contents of the file manager to the merchant. Files will be securely delivered via email or uploaded to the client's file manager. NOTE: WE CANNOT EXPORT PRODUCT PERSONALIZATIONS.
How will my information be secured?

We can place the files into a password protected archive (.zip) to ensure the security of client PID (Personal Identity Data)