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To charge one-off support requests that are done by support agent only. Keep in mind that the client will not receive a contract for this. We are just going to bill them while we have them on the phone. This may be for a prospect - We have people with Yahoo Stores / ProStores/ Webstore by Amazon that are not a SC client, but need support for their store. This scenario would only really apply to merchants with a store, as anything else we either do not provide support for, or the support is for a proprietary SC product (CCC, FP, etc) and in turn they would already be a client.
To charge one-off support requests that are done by support agent only. Keep in mind that the client will not receive a contract for this. We are just going to bill them while we have them on the phone. This may be for a prospect - We have people with Yahoo Stores / ProStores/ Webstore by Amazon that are not a SC client, but need support for their store. This scenario would only really apply to merchants with a store, as anything else we either do not provide support for, or the support is for a proprietary SC product (CCC, FP, etc) and in turn they would already be a client.
To charge one-off support requests that are done by support agent only. Keep in mind that the client will not receive a contract for this. We are just going to bill them while we have them on the phone. This may be for a prospect - We have people with Yahoo Stores / ProStores/ Webstore by Amazon that are not a SC client, but need support for their store. This scenario would only really apply to merchants with a store, as anything else we either do not provide support for, or the support is for a proprietary SC product (CCC, FP, etc) and in turn they would already be a client.